Milky Way Galaxy and the Galactic Center and the age of Aquarius
I did not align the gregorian calendar to the mayan/aztec this was done by Pope Gregory back in 1582. Whos to say the date was done incorrectly or that in they have done so purposely.
The Julian calendar would have one more day meaning that ANY Date would or could be the alignment or whenever mans influences and extensions reach this threshold in change.
Its all depends on we Humans .
Think of it as a train leaving the station and going across the country,stopping at many places along the way and some taking longer then others.- the total trip time takes longer. This is almost the same perspective as with the Solar System and our Sun with her planets travels around the Galaxy.
For almost the last 40 years the Earth's Frequency has been accelerating due to the Position of Our Solar System and in conjunction with the Galactic center. While the Earth Travels around the Sun, The Sun and our solar system also traverses the Milky Way Galaxy usually in a set pattern considered cycles .Like the Shorter Seasons the larger Astrological zodiacs and alignments have set periods of time within the Galaxy in cycles and patterns from Transitions